Esil Technology Overview

ESIL was created several decades ago by a Canadian inventor named Brian Cook.  He managed to take a proven concept known as “electrolysis” and developed a continuous flow process capable of producing drinking water from a range of contaminated water sources. Here’s a basic explanation of how and why the process works. It uses electricity for the disinfection of water.

The equipment used in the ESIL water technology consists of multiple series of electrolytic cells containing anodes and cathodes. Low-voltage direct current (DC) is applied as water continuously flows through a labyrinth of holes in the cathodes. The bacterial, parasitic, and viral organisms are killed within the ESIL cell.

The electrical current forces all possible reactions in the water to take place.  Heavy metals are rendered inert and neutral. Synthetic organic compounds (dioxins and PCB’s) are effectively shattered and broken down. The inert particulates formed after the process are easily removed by standard filtration.

While the process does remove the contaminants, it does NOT remove the naturally occurring mineral salts that make drinking water such an important part of maintaining a healthy body.

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